May 15, 2020 | Stay Connected
Get into the garden this weekend and plant for winter pollinators! “Although we usually associate bees and other pollinators with summer, in warmer countries like Australia, many types of pollinating insect are active throughout the winter months. Now, in autumn...
May 1, 2020 | Stay Connected
Citizen science projects are an awesome way for everyday people to get involved with scientific research projects and contribute to expanding our collective knowledge of the natural world. The Australian Citizen Science Project Finder is a place to discover and...
Apr 9, 2020 | Stay Connected
Check out our picks from the NFF (on Youtube) We would have had a stall at the National Folk Festival this weekend, but in lieu of that we’ve made a Youtube playlist with some of our favourite acts that would have been at the festival. You can still celebrate...
Apr 7, 2020 | Stay Connected
Join our little Easter Hat Parade! Make a hat or bonnet and share it with us on our Facebook page. Bonus points for: Sustainable materials (reverse garbage, plant matter) Including the Easter Bilby! Anyone can participate! What will your Easter Hat look like? You...
Apr 2, 2020 | Stay Connected
Colouring in is a great mindfulness activity for children and adults alike. Print off some pages from Paula Peter’s Riverina Grassland Ramblings and relax while colouring in delightful images of the Plains-Wanderer and its habitat in the NSW Riverina. Or head over to...
Apr 2, 2020 | Stay Connected
If you’re stuck at home all day, it might feel like a great time to add to your garden, or start one! Instead of heading to the shops, why not grow a garden from what you already have in your kitchen? The lettuce, spring onions, celery and other vegetables that...