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MEDIA RELEASE: Plastic Reduction Bill a welcome start
The Conservation Council ACT Region welcomes the passing of new laws in the ACT Legislative Assembly that commence the phase out of single-use plastics in the ACT.
World Environment Day Dinner 2021 – June 5th
Join us at this year’s World Environment Day Dinner at the National Museum of Australia.
Our guest speaker is social researcher Dr Rebecca Huntley. Enjoy live music and entertainment, and reconnect with Canberra’s environment community.
MEDIA RELEASE: Is your business ready to Make the Move into the future of transport?
The Conservation Council ACT Region and the Canberra Environment Centre have teamed up to lead Canberra businesses and commuters into the future of sustainable transport through an innovative project called ‘Make the Move’. This new project will help commuters...
New Year. New Look. Same Commitment
The Board and staff are excited to unveil a fresh new logo that will take us forward and help extend our reach to new audiences across the ACT community to share our passion for sustainability and the environment.
Environment Exchange: Lawson North Grasslands
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Online event via Zoom
Workshop: Make the Switch to an all-electric home
6pm Thursday 4th February 2021
In-person workshop
Explore why and how your household can make the switch from gas to electric appliances, with Kirsten Duncan, James De Salis and a representative from the ACT Government’s ActSmart Program.
We’re taking a break
The Conservation Council ACT Region office will be closed from December 24, 2020 to January 10, 2021.
Plastic Reduction Bill introduced to the Legislative Assembly
The Conservation Council ACT Region welcomes legislation being introduced to the ACT Legislative Assembly this week to phase out single-use plastics.
Environment Exchange: Make the Switch to an all-electric home
5pm Tuesday 1st December
Online event over Zoom
Explore why and how your household can make the switch from gas to electric appliances, with Jenny Edwards, Ben Murphy and a representative from the ACT Government’s ActSmart Program.
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