Bring a picnic and join the Conservation Council at the Rock Valley Picnic event, hosted by ACT Parks and Conservation Service, on Sunday 18th April from 10am – 2pm.
The event is a good opportunity to enjoy the sunshine with your family as you reimagine rural life of the old days. There will be a working model Eucalypt distillery, kid’s activities and craft, old-style games, precinct tours, music and poetry.
Representatives from the Conservation Council will be available to provide resources about Canberra’s history and important heritage, and answer any questions you have about our important work and how you can get involved to help us shape a sustainable future.
Entry fees are inclusive in the Tidbinbilla entry fee. Find out more about the entry fee that applies to you.
This event is part of the Heritage Festival 2021 program, which runs from 6 – 26th April 2021.
Sunday 18th April, 10am – 2pm
Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve,
Paddys River Rd