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On Tuesday 18 September 2018, the ACT, with tri-partisan support in the parliament, set a new zero net emissions target by 2045, passing the Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Principal Target) Amendment Bill 2018 to amend the zero net emissions target in the Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act 2010 (ACT).

We are the first Australian jusrisdiction to bring its target forward from 2050, and in addition, interim emissions targets for 2025, 2030 and 2040 were established, laying out a clear pathway to net zero emissions:

  • 50-60% less than 1990 emissions by 30 June 2025;
  • 65-75% less than 1990 emissions by 30 June 2030; and
  • 90-95% less than 1990 emissions by 30 June 2040.  

The next steps to be taken are critical to ensure we achieve these targets, starting with the release of the strategic plan to achieve the targets to be finalised by the end of 2018.

The tri-partisan support from Labor, Liberals and the Greens for local action and leadership on climate change strengthens the Government’s mandate to implement policies and programs to achieve the targets. It will also be crucial to make sure the pathway to zero net emissions is fair, equitable, socially just, economically viable and does not displace our emissions into other jurisdictions.


  • 16 August 2018 – Amendment Bill for a zero net emissions by 2045 target tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly
  • 22 August 2018 – Minister’s media release stating the ACT government’s proposed strategy will be released by the end of 2018
  • 23 August 2018 – Determination of ACT interim targets for 2025, 2030 and 2040
  • 18 September 2018 – Amendment Bill debated in the ACT Legislative Assembly