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Election Scorecard: A visual snapshot

ACT Election Priorities 2020

This is the visual snapshot of our ratings of major party policy announcements. Why did they get each score? See the key to the star ratings below the table or read our full analysis.

A SAFE CLIMATE Net zero emissions by 2030
No new gas connections  
Cut government ties with fossil fuel companies
Protect all ACT land with conservation values
Canberra-wide cat containment by 2025
A GREEN AND LIVEABLE CITY Plant trees across Canberra to meet the 30% tree canopy target
CLEAN AND HEALTHY WATERWAYS Improve water quality in Canberra’s major creeks and stormwater channels
A COMPACT CITY No further urban expansion and an 80% infill target
SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT Network of separated city cycleways
Integrated, electrified and reliable light rail & bus network
Incentives for electric cars and bikes
VALUING RESOURCES Improving waste management
No single use plastics by 2023
Canberra-wide food and organic waste collection

Party ratings

Party has put forward a comprehensive policy response to address the priorities and is consistent with good environmental outcomes.
Party has put forward good policies that partially address the priorities and are consistent with good environmental outcomes.
Party has put forward limited policies to address the priorities and/or may include policies that run contrary to good environmental outcomes.
Party has not put forward a policy to address the priorities and/or may have other policies that run contrary to good environmental outcomes.

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