Jun 28, 2017 | Campaigns, Nature and waterways
If acronyms could put out bushfires we need never worry about catastrophic fires again. SBMP, BOP, RFMP and BPA are just a few of the acronyms thrown around when talking about fire management in the ACT. They have a huge importance in locking us, as a community, into...
May 12, 2017 | Campaigns, Nature and waterways
Mature trees are pillars of biodiversity in the ecosystem. They provide habitat for wildlife, nurseries for seeds to grow and facilitate vital soil processes. Mature trees with natural hollows are disappearing from the ACT due to agriculture and urban development....
Mar 23, 2017 | Campaigns, Nature and waterways
Proposed kangaroo management changes The Conservator for Flora and Fauna has declared the Eastern Grey Kangaroo as a controlled native species under the Nature Conservation Act 2014 and consequently has also prepared an Eastern Grey Kangaroo: Draft Controlled Species...
Mar 8, 2017 | Campaigns, Nature and waterways
“We literally cannot live without trees” Darren Le Roux, Environmental Project Officer, ACT Parks and Conservation Service The nomination of “Loss of Native Hollow-bearing Trees”, as a threatening process under the Nature Conservation ACT 2014, was discussed during...
Dec 9, 2016 | Campaigns, Nature and waterways
The recent report from the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission (ICRC) on a new structure for water charges would have a significant negative impact on the ACT if it was implemented. The current structure has a low basic supply charge, and then two levels...
Oct 12, 2016 | Campaigns, Nature and waterways
This letter was sent to all ACT Greens candidates 6 October 2016. A response was provided by the ACT Greens 14 October and is included in full below the letter. ACT Greens policy: “Enforcing cat containment” Thank you for sending your Protecting our...