Sep 11, 2020 | ACT Election Priorities 2020, Climate, Transport
The impacts of a changing climate are well upon us, forcing societies and natural ecosystems to transform the way they function. At the current rate of 10 billion tonnes of global emissions each year, we will exceed the remaining carbon budget by 2030.The science...
Dec 5, 2019 | Climate, Latest News
5 December 2019 MEDIA RELEASE Climate emergency calls for urgent action on ACT’s gas emissions The Conservation Council ACT Region has today lauched a petition calling on the ACT Government to speed up its phase out of gas and immediately stop the roll out of...
Oct 20, 2016 | Campaigns, Climate
The environmental high point of the 2016 ACT Legislative Assembly election was that all three parties in the Assembly broadly agreed on climate change targets. Labor, Liberal and Greens supported 100% electricity from renewable energy by 2020 and zero net emissions by...