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AnchorProposed kangaroo management changes

The Conservator for Flora and Fauna has declared the Eastern Grey Kangaroo as a controlled native species under the Nature Conservation Act 2014 and consequently has also prepared an Eastern Grey Kangaroo: Draft Controlled Species Management Plan.

Community input to this plan close 24 March 2017 (see response details below). Essentially the plan updates the 2010 Kangaroo Management Plan. It looks at kangaroo welfare, managing interactions between humans and kangaroos, managing kangaroo densities and managing captive populations.

The Conservation Council ACT Region has mades amendments to its policy on Kangaroo management in the ACT taking account of the proposed changes to ACT Government approaches.

The Conservation Council acknowledges that kangaroo management is a complex issue needing to take into account ethical, social and scientific considerations.

In circumstances of demonstrated over-grazing and the need to protect precious, endangered ecological communities and nature reserves that support a range of species the Conservation Council recognises kangaroo numbers should be reduced. This view is based on current scientific knowledge. Reductions in kangaroo numbers should be adequate to prevent immediate repopulation and destruction of habitat.

Due to lack of other alternatives the Conservation Council recognises that kangaroo culls are the appropriate management response to reduce kangaroo numbers. These culls have to be undertaken in a humane way in accordance with ACT animal welfare codes.

In addition to being based on a solid scientific evidence base the reduction in kangaroo numbers also must also be part of a strategic approach within a landscape context. Kangaroo culls should be part of broader management strategies to protect and enhance ecological values from other threats such as rabbits, weeds and inappropriate fire management.

The Conservation Council supports ongoing research into alternative methods to culling which may provide viable options for controlling kangaroo numbers, eg reproductive control methods. However, measures are required now to reduce the ecological impacts of over-grazing.

Comments on the Eastern Grey Kangaroo: Draft Controlled Species Management Plan close 24 March 2017.

Please send written comments to:  Manager, Conservation Research, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate by email: or post: PO Box 158, Canberra ACT 2601