A compact city
In the ACT we are privileged to enjoy both a rich natural landscape and a vibrant city. However, we are challenged by the increasing pressure of a growing population, and the associated demands for housing and services. Canberra is Australia’s second least dense city. As our population increases, strengthening our commitment to urban infill will reduce pressure on natural ecosystems outside the current urban footprint. High-quality urban development must be accompanied by diverse medium density housing to provide better housing choices for more of the community, and precinct planning that facilitates shared urban greenspace.
01. No further expansion of Canberra’s urban boundary after existing identified suburbs in Molonglo, Gungahlin and West Belconnen are completed.
02. Set a target of 80% of new residential development within the existing urban footprint.
03. Ensure a “green” buffer between the urban edge of the ACT and adjoining areas of NSW which defines the urban edge and protects environmental values.
04. Increase the number of high quality, environmentally-sustainable medium-density residences around commercial centres and along public transport routes, to support diverse housing requirements and to reduce demand for additional greenfield development.
05. Fund a community advocate position to support community oversight of planning policy development and implementation.
Take action
With a new ministry in place, Canberrans can continue to call on the government to step up for the future of our city. Our handy action guides will help you to take action.
Action guides:
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