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UPDATE – June 2023

Submissions on the Development Application have now closed. A big congratulations to everyone who made a submission. In just one week from 23-30 May 2023 the community e-petition got 252 signatures.

The issue gathered much media interest. Read this media article for more information: Nature park users fight crematorium proposal next door.

Community members are starting a “Friends of Callum Brae” group. We will share more details in coming months on how to join this group so that you can continue protecting and caring for this special place. What we do here in the ACT has a far reaching impact on our national and global environment. 

InvoCare has amended their Development application 202138789 for a crematorium on the border with the Callum Brae Nature Reserve which will see the removal of mature native trees, fragmentation of habitat and the use of fossil gas. The Development application is currently open to public comment until 30 May. Have your say now to protect our local wildlife and reduce emissions that contribute to climate change.

To consider including in your submission 

  • The proposed removal of seven mature native trees is unacceptable. Callum Brae Nature Reserve and the adjoining area of the crematorium complex protects mature native trees, some estimated to be between 200-300 years old, which include nesting sites for endangered Gang Gang cockatoos. The only known breeding sites for the small ant blue butterfly are in the Reserve as well as in the area of the proposed crematorium complex.
  • The proposed development would impact landscape connectivity. The Callum Brae Reserve and the proposed crematorium complex site provide a valuable wildlife corridor, with connectivity to Mugga Mugga, Isaacs Ridge, Red Hill and Wanniassa Hills Nature Reserves. A long-term management aim for Callum Brae Nature Reserve is to maintain connectivity with other woodland areas to ensure there is ongoing viable habitat for threatened and declining woodland birds. (p 210, Canberra Nature Park, Reserve Management Plan 2021).
  • The site should be incorporated into the Callum Brae Nature Reserve.
  • Crematorium furnaces are fuelled by fossil gas, with the average cremation using about the same amount of energy and producing about the same emissions as two tanks of fuel in an average car. (National Geographic) The impact of greenhouse gas emissions has not been considered in the development application. There should be an investigation into the likely amount of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The ACT Government has committed to net-zero emissions by 2045 including phasing out fossil gas. It is unacceptable to consider approving a development utilising fossil gas in the face of the climate emergency and the Government’s own policy.
  • The government should investigate the need for a crematorium in the ACT, considering alternative burial methods.

The button will take you to the Development application webpage, here you can click “submit a representation.” Your submission doesn’t have to be long or detailed. The more people writing in opposing the Development application the stronger the representation will be. Together we can demonstrate that the community stands up for a future without fossil gas, where wildlife thrives and habitat is protected.

Development Application: 202138789
AMENDMENT TO DA202138789 – S144 PROPOSAL FOR NEW COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION. Amendment to development application for construction of a new crematorium including a chapel, lounge building, landscaping, new carpark and associated works which is still under consideration – the amendment is to remove impact on ecological/heritage significant places, and to include ecology and heritage reports and letters for reference.
Period for representation closes: 30/05/2023