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World Environment Day Dinner 2021 Tickets

The World Environment Day Dinner 2021 will take place in the Gandel Atrium at the National Museum of Australia from 6:30 to 11:00pm on Saturday 5th June. Please note: For tickets purchased on or after 26th April 2021 – should we be require to cancel within 14...

AGM 2020

The Conservation Council ACT Region Inc Annual General Meeting will be held Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 6.30pm via Zoom. Use the form below to register and receive the Zoom link to join the meeting. Members who have voting rights should identify which group they...

Taking time for the environment

Helen Oakey, Executive Director As the ACT eases restrictions and life begins to take on some semblance of “normality” after the COVID lockdown, we are all scrambling to resume our lives as they once were. Yet as we throw ourselves into the daily grind, the commute to...

Media Release: ACT Environment Awards

4 November 2019 MEDIA RELEASE: ACT Environment Awards  The Canberra environment community celebrated the presentation of the 2019 ACT Environment Awards at the Conservation Council’s Spring Mingle event on Friday night. The ACT Environment Awards celebrate the efforts...