Apr 11, 2023 | Latest News, Take action, Waste
The REDcycle soft plastics story keeps getting worse, with stockpiles now found in 44 locations around the country and the major supermarkets now considering exporting it due to lack of domestic recycling capacity, with the recycling industry apparently no closer to...
Nov 9, 2022 | Latest News, Waste
It’s National Recycling Week, so what better way to highlight the topic than to witness the “collapse” of the REDcycle soft plastics recycling service?! Media outlets are running with sensational headlines about “secret stockpiling” of soft plastics, but they are...
Sep 14, 2020 | ACT Election Priorities 2020, Waste
ACT residents have high consuming lifestyles. Single-use plastics continue to be utilised in the ACT, posing major threats to wildlife, waterways and our health. Food and organic waste sent to landfill contributes 4% to the ACT’s greenhouse gas emissions and squanders...